The Joe and Smith Podcast: Read the Book of Mormon with us

We are ex-Mormons and we’re re-reading the Book of Mormon together, but this time we know that it’s a work of fiction. We think we’re funny. In each episode we read a new chapter from the BOM and uncover how the church’s teachings affected us in our conservative, faithful days. We believe in love and acceptance, but we process some anger along the way. Expect lightmindedness, loud laughter, evil speaking of the Lord’s anointed, and taking the name of the Lord in vain.

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1 Nephi 03

Saturday May 28, 2022

Saturday May 28, 2022

Neither Smith nor Joe has seen The Last Temptation of Christ (1988). Joe talks about some of the obsession with sex in the church, and how marriage was looked at like checking a box. Smith talks about some of the overt racism in the early church and refers listeners back to the CES letter for better info (see link below). Joe asserts that BY was a bad enough guy that the university should be renamed. Smith reads a quote from Mark Twain that the BOM is “chloroform in print”. Smith brings up a Michael Crichton quote about the crazy-looking tabernacle. 
The guys wish they could not feel bad about anything. Smith notes that the “choice” in the BOM so far is to either be disobedient and die, or to be obedient and rich. Joe makes sure to bring up that REM’s Murmur album was named Rolling Stone's Best Album of 1983. Joe pitches the idea of changing the name of the podcast to Everything is Fetch. The guys express their dislike of the use of that word as a swear. Lamen has an awkward conversation with the Lord. 
The angel has an awkward conversation with L&L about making Nephi a leader over them. Joe points out that this gives an argument to people who want to claim some moral authority over reason in the name of some unseen righteous authority. Smith points out that God may just be on mute and he doesn’t realize it. Joe recommends S12E17 of Southpark which gives a pretty accurate depiction of the translation of the BOM. Smith reminds us that the temple ceremony used to contain penalties for breaking promises, like medieval penalties. 
Section of CES letter about ban on black men to have the priesthood
Mark Twain on the Mormons
The Dollop 132 - THE BONE WARS
Wikipedia page for REM’s Murmur album  
Stephen Paul Taylor Everybody knows shit's fucked 
Wikipedia page for Southpark episode “All about Mormons” 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal with permission from the artist. 
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at
Email us at

1 Nephi 02

Thursday May 26, 2022

Thursday May 26, 2022

Joe starts off with an apology for what he remembers of his behavior in the previous episode.  Joe and Smith discuss the film Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022). The guys talk about growing up in the church and feeling like love was a conditional thing. Smith has a challenge to find a passage in the BOM that expresses unconditional love without strings attached. The guys remind the listener of their own ignorance on pretty much everything. Joe and Smith talk about their relationship with the media and their devices. Joe accuses Smith of being preachy about it. Neither of the guys have seen Hacksaw Ridge (2016). Afghan is the correct term for the people as it turns out. Smith isn’t proud of some of his past political beliefs and preemptively apologizes for any slips of his ignorance while talking, Joe agrees in spirit. 
Joe brings up the victim mentality that tends to come up in the church. Smith asks Joe about comparing his kids to geologic formations like Lehi does in this chapter. Smith notices the lack of unconditional love coming from Lehi to his sons. Lehi seems pretty passive aggressive and it’s rewarded. Nephi is a big kid, like Dudley Dursley? Joe notices that JS brings his value for wanting to have financial gain into this chapter. This chapter brings up a curse from the Lord, and the guys lament the fact that HP used one of the unforgivable curses in anger. 
Behind the Bastards on Apple Podcasts 
Afghan / Afghani 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal with permission from the artist.
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at
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Remember who you are and what you stand for

1 Nephi 01

Wednesday May 25, 2022

Wednesday May 25, 2022

Joe and Smith discuss briefly Under the Banner of Heaven (2022), aka Garfield, available on hulu. Smith hasn’t read any books today, but he tends to have his phone read Michael Crichton books to him. He hasn’t seen Westworld (1973), which had the same MPAA rating as Smith’s previous marriage. The guys may or may not admit to a garment fetish. Smith tells about his wizard powers of summoning turtles. Smith and Joe discuss trying to unlearn some of the sexisim that was ingrained in them so deeply. Joe talks about what it’s like to raise kids who haven’t been part of the church for most of their lives. The guys hope to see a day when a Utah baby girl is named Jahndallyn. Joe and Smith do not identify as gay, but have a goal to be the first gay temple marriage. Joe and Smith talk about bonding over indie music and comedy. Smith talks about Modest Mouse and Joe tells a story about a time when the owner of Nita’s Hideaway in Tempe, AZ came to his wedding reception. 
The bumper music is brought to you by Eric VanAusdal, who is an underappreciated artist. Smith has seen Joe cry listening to this music. Joe foolishly decides to have a shot every time a verse begins “and it came to pass”. Joe points out that Joseph Smith Jr lied to his first wife, Emma, about polygamy and to the rest of the world when he started a book with “I Nephi”. 
Smith notices that maybe JS doth protest too much when it comes to Nephi saying that the BOM is true from the get-go. 
Joe remembers morning scripture study a teenager and how he wanted to get through it quickly so he could go back to sleep. The BOM makes Joe vomit, maybe with some help from alcohol. The guys stoop to gutter humor to reinterpret verse 14. Smith has not seen Deliverance (1972). Joe is in no shape for more chit-chat. 
THE DOLLOP Dave Anthony | Gareth Reynolds Gospel Topics Essays Zedekiah’s wikipedia entry Pavement - Blue Hawaiian 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal with permission from the artist.The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.orgEmail us at
Remember who you are and what you stand for


Wednesday May 25, 2022

Wednesday May 25, 2022

Joe and Smith introduce each other and their podcast. The guys discuss some early LDS lore and invent a new early saint called W.W. Wphelps, who may have had a hand in inventing the World Wide Web. Joe notices his tendency to want definitive truth when learning something new. The guys are going to use swear words and sometimes offend, but not for the sake of being offensive. Joe and Smith are pretty convinced that they are the worst people, self-esteem is not their strong suit, but they’re working on it. The guys bring up how they still hang on to some doctrines from the church, like Brian Regan. Smith says that he wants the podcast to help people who feel like they’re on the outside who may be dealing with some trauma and sadness from their families and from the church. The guys started watching Under the Banner of Heaven (2022), aka Garfield, on Hulu. Joe feels like he has only ever won one fight with the church and that it was deciding not to go anymore. The guys give an overview of the process of having one’s name removed from the church’s records. The BOM has 239 chapters. Goddammit. Smith denies being a Star Wars fanboy, but he really is. The guys bare their testimony that the BOM was written by a fraud (JS) and written for purposes such as gaining power and money. It’s a secret combination. They devolve into some righteous indignation toward JS, but they steer out of it by singing a hymn. Smith feels like the overwhelming pressure for perfection in the church conditioned him to lie, while Joe feels like he told the truth and was just “less than”. The guys notice that it may be easier to stay in the church if you don’t take the church very seriously. 
Smith reads us the title page, which is super confusing. The guys try to piece together some of the details but give up and refer the listener to people like Jeremy Runnells and John Dehlin, aka Jahndalyn. Smith points out how easy it is to get distracted by the levels of details and minutia in the BOM, but that it’s all made up. 
The guys read the introduction to the BOM, which essentially positions itself as Bible fanfiction. Smith tells about getting duped by fake Harry Potter fanfiction before book 5. Russel M Nelson is a bastard. The guys take some issue with the church adding the word “among” to the intro page. Smith knows a lot about the temple, but he’ll get into that later. Smith talks about how he tried to “make up” for the church's sexism by elevating women to a higher level. 
Mormon Stories Podcast 480-482: JEREMY RUNNELLS AND HIS LETTER TO A CES DIRECTOR JUNE 18, 2014 
CES Letter My Search for Answers to my Mormon Doubts BY JEREMY RUNNELLS 
THE DOLLOP Dave Anthony | Gareth Reynolds 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal with permission from the artist. 
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at
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Remember who you are and what you stand for


Remember Who You Are and What You Stand For


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