The Joe and Smith Podcast: Read the Book of Mormon with us

We are ex-Mormons and we’re re-reading the Book of Mormon together, but this time we know that it’s a work of fiction. We think we’re funny. In each episode we read a new chapter from the BOM and uncover how the church’s teachings affected us in our conservative, faithful days. We believe in love and acceptance, but we process some anger along the way. Expect lightmindedness, loud laughter, evil speaking of the Lord’s anointed, and taking the name of the Lord in vain.

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Mosiah 02

Sunday Jul 02, 2023

Sunday Jul 02, 2023

Smith refers to this meme that he found reposted on a recent reddit post. Joe refers back to this episode of Mormonism Live with comedian Fresh King Benjamin. The guys talk about this episode of the Petey Pants podcast. 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for

Mosiah 01

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

Hi friends, no notes this week 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for

Words of Mormon 01

Thursday Jun 22, 2023

Thursday Jun 22, 2023

No notes this week, sweeties
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for

Omni (etc.)

Friday Jun 16, 2023

Friday Jun 16, 2023

Joe can’t help but confess some of his struggles with the WoW. The guys discuss whether or not Brewster’s Millions (1985) may be worth a re-watch. Joe teases telling his Jerome, AZ ghost story, but then forgets to tell it later. Smith refers to this Brother Jake video, and then the guys make a plea to get him on the pcast. Smith reminds Joe about a wonderful TMBG video that stars one of the guys’ faves! The guys get unnecessarily angry at Chemish. Smith reveals some of his secrets to giving a good sacrament meeting talk. The guys argue about whether or not y’all is an appropriate contraction in polite society. They pitch for PFT to play a character called Yontu in the SWU. Joe talks about something he heard from this episode of an anti podcast. In a moment of weakness, Smith uses the H word about the BOM. 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for


Saturday Jun 03, 2023

Saturday Jun 03, 2023

Smith opens with a classic, but offensive, J&S Hymn. Joe is brazen about his unpreparedness and asks Smith to keep talking while he searches for this group of podcasts Ep’s from The Jahndalyn Show. Smith talks about a May 2023 segment on the news show 60 Minutes regarding some of the church’s financial/whistleblower troubles. When it comes to the financial scoreboard, the church is true. Joe has a tangent about the film Nightmare Alley (2021), and The Lobster (2015). 
Joe refers to the song “do bow bow”, AKA-  Oh Yeah by the band Yello. Smith refers to this Mitsubishi materials YT video/meme. Joe tries to re-reenact the convo between Enos and the Lord. Smith reads from a ChatGPT tangent where Snoop Dogg wrote part of the BOM. 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for

Enos 01

Tuesday May 02, 2023

Tuesday May 02, 2023

Smith starts by trying to usurp Joe’s authority. Joe expresses remorse about his previous (and current, and future) cynicism. Joe refers to a conversation he had with Reneigh about the podcast A Year of Polygamy with Lindsay Hansen Park. Smith talks about a sweet blessing on the food he saw on the NF series Alone. Joe talks about whether or not he wants to try RMO’s at Buckhorn Exchange. 
Joe talks about stumbling into some pro-mo material. Joe refers to a Chris Rock quote that may not be all-the-way attributable to him. 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for

Jacob 7

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

The guys have some fun thinking about the 3 Nephites. Joe refers to the I Was There Too podcast. Smith reminds Joe about Nick Offerman’s laugh. The guys get excited that this chapter of the BOM has a narrative. They reenact Jacob’s convo with HF about smiting Sharom. The guys try to make each other giggle by keeping a straight face while using a different name to refer to the book of Enos. 
Joe comes back from break with a fictional movie trailer idea that he sent to his beloved EV back in 2013. Joe refers back to this Weird Al funny or die video that inspired the 2022 film, Weird: The Al Yankovic Story. Smith refers to the YT video where Weird Al shreds. 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for

Sunday Apr 09, 2023

The guys are very excited to welcome guests Molly Morgasm and Reneigh for this episode. Joe refers to this part of this episode of the LDS discussions podcast about how the parable of the olive tree could have come about. Molly: “if you have a vagina and a pulse, you’re qualified for primary”. Joe outs Reneigh as the leading member of the corrections department, and how her truths can be hard for the wicked. More on that later.. Molly talks about being nekkid, and how LDS years can be properly quantified in which U2 album was released that year. Still not the good kind of come, nor the good kind of cleave. Smith shares a special spiritual experience about the spirit leading him to $5 that he needed. The guys plea to Reneigh to reassure them that they are good people despite their biases, and she does the best she can to absolve them, although not entirely. 
Joe reminds the rest of the gang about a prank they pulled on Molly once. Molly reminds them about this YT video which is a compilation of clips from movies where people get hit by a bus, it’s more than you’d expect. Molly gets existential about how the church brought about her (and the guys’) existence and how that concept is something with which she grapples. Molly outs Joe’s family about the ‘may-zure’, ‘tray-zure’,’play-zure’, game that his family would play during GC. The guys play a song that they received from their band leader as a submission for the forthcoming hymns (or hers) book. Joe makes everyone play a game that he stole from the Threedom podcast. 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for

Jacob 5 parts 2-5

Monday Apr 03, 2023

Monday Apr 03, 2023

The guys make the decision to not read the rest of Jacob chapter 5. The guys refer to a couple of episodes of the Behind the Bastards podcast that talked about El Rushbo. Jahndallyn joins the guys to respond to a clip from John Dehlin on an episode of LDS Discussions podcast. Joe refers to this pro wrestling documentary on Amazon prime. 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for

Jacob 5 (with Jack!) part 1

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

The guys are excited to welcome their friend Jack as a guest this episode. Joe refers to this episode of Radio Free Mormon, and this song by The Violent Femmes. Smith refers to this Outkast song. Joe can’t stop referring to this song either. Joe refers to this wonderful SNL sketch about shirtless bible salesmen. Joe talks about this very well intentioned 13.5 minute church-sponsored bullshit video explaining Jacob 5. Smith talks about this horrible video where Sister Bednar’s husband…you can finish the sentence. Joe and Smith recommend watching the Jared Hess/Tyler Measom doc on Netflix. 
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at 
Become a Celestial Subscriber on our patreon at- 
Remember who you are and what you stand for


Remember Who You Are and What You Stand For


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